See 4 TALKING STATUES near LIVERPOOL STREET STATION when waiting for your train
Panoramic view of London (2015). Photography: Zuzanna/WalkMeBlog.
Today, I invite you for a short walk.
The goal is to see 4 very special statues in the City of London.
All of them have two things in common. They are all located only steps away from Liverpool Street Station. And they all can TALK.
Yea, you read that right!
So if you are anywhere near this area, with 30min to spare, check it out. Seeing (and hearing) these 4 Talking Statues might not only fill your waiting (for a train) time. It might also make your day!
Distance to cover: 0.7 miles (1.1 km)
Map of this walk: Talking Statues near Liverpool Street Station
Additional comments: To fully enjoy the benefits of this unique stroll, make sure that you have on you your phone (with the data available on it) and the headphones. More about it in a sec.
Quick preview of the content of this post
So, how does it work?
Which sculptures near Liverpool Street Station are talking?
The Talking Statue of the Leaping Hare
“Mostly, they don't even notice us…” - the Talking Statue of the Broad Family
“You are never alone. I can see you…” - the EYE-I Talking Statue
Curry-liking goat at Spitalfields - the I Goat Talking Statue
Links to audio clips of the Talking Statues near Liverpool Street Station
So, how does it work?
The Talking Statues is an art scheme aiming to bring life to the sculptures. And make them talk.
In other words, the 4 talking monuments you are going to see during this walk will call you.
And I am sure that you are more than capable of answering your phone. But since the statues are calling, let me explain a few things to make this experience as enjoyable as possible.
There are two ways to get in touch with the sculptures.
One way is by using the free Talking Status app. If you get close enough to the Talking Statue (within a couple of meters), the app will allow you to connect with the monument.
The second way is to swipe your phone over the purple sticker placed near the statue (most of the Talking Statues have them).
In both cases, you will receive an unusual phone call*. You only need to answer it. And to listen.
*This service uses mobile data. At the end of this post you can also find links to audio clips, which you can use to listen to the statues too. Just click on the name of the statue and press “go” to receive a phone call. Use your phone or switch your browser to mobile device mode for desktop listening.
Let's see which statues near Liverpool Street Station are keen to talk.
You can read more about the Talking Statues art scheme in London in THE TALKING STATUES IN LONDON - WHAT ARE THEY? AND WHERE YOU CAN FIND THEM?
Which sculptures near Liverpool Street Station are talking?
There used to be 5 Talking Statues within walking distance from Liverpool Street Station.
However, the ongoing construction works near this busy station took away from us the Rush Hour Broadgate statue for the time being.
However, you can still listen to 4 other Talking Statues.
On the list of available callers are:
- a hare,
- a goat,
- the object who can see through your consciousness
- and the stone (but also a child).
So let's visit the first Talking Statue on this trail, the sculpture of an emotional rabbit planning to live forever!
The Talking Statue of the Leaping Hare
(link to the location)
The Talking Statue of the Leaping Hare (2022). Photography: Zuzanna/WalkMeBlog.
After only a 2 min walk from the station, you can see the eye-catching sculpture of the Leaping Hare by Barry Flanagan (Irish-Welsh sculptor Who Sculpted Hares).
This statue (animated by Ken Bruce), in less than 3 min, will tell you in a rabbit-chatty way (by jumping from one subject to another) about its career (as a statue), its family life, and its openness to a friendship with London foxes in this lonely place, Broadgate.
But don't leap to conclusions and have a listen for yourself.
Now it's time to go towards Appold Street to see the second Talking Statue on this trail.
2. “Mostly, they don't even notice us…” - the Talking Statue of the Broad Family
(link to the location)
The Talking Statue of the Broad Family (2022). Photography: Zuzanna/WalkMeBlog.
The Broad Family statue by the Xavier Corbero is located at the bottom of the steps leading towards the big square at the back of Liverpool Street Station, just of the Appold Street.
The tiny shoes of a child and the big ball are the only parts of this abstract sculpture giving you a hint of what the monument represents. A portrait of a family of three and a dog.
If you answer this special phone call, you will hear from the child member of this family.
A small girl (superbly animated by Maisie William!) will tell you about her dog and a fun game that the stones like to play with (always busy) city workers when no one is watching. Obviously.
The playful script was written by Lucy Caldwell.
The Broad Family is my favorite Talking Statue in London, and I wish all those people passing it every day (often without even noticing it) could hear its story.
A wonderful experience. So make sure you don't miss it!
3. “You are never alone. I can see you…” - The EYE-I Talking Statue
(link to the location)
The EYE-I Talking Statue (2022). Photography: Zuzanna/WalkMeBlog.
The twisted colorful metal shape opposite the Bank of Scotland at Bishopsgate is the 3rd statue with a voice on this City trail.
It might take you a while to recognize the glamourous woman's face in it.
The EYE-I statue claims to be able to scan your mind. But fear not! And answer the phone. This artwork (by Bruce Mclean) aims to raise your spirit and make you feel less alone in this big city.
This City Talking Statue was animated by Sara Pascoe. She has also written the script for it.
Now, it's time to visit the last unusual caller on this short walk, the Talking Statue of the goat!
4. Curry-liking goat at Spitalfields -the I Goat Talking Statue
(link to the location)
I Goat Talking Statue (2022). Photography: Zuzanna/WalkMeBlog.
You can find a white sculpture of a goat (by Keny Hunter) at the top of concrete crates in Bishops Square.
This is the fourth and the last Talking Statue near Liverpool Street Station to see on this trail.
The proud animal is the winner of the Spitalfields Sculpture Price. In 2010 the public decided to give its vote to the animal. Why not?
The I Goat Statue has been animated by Hugh Dennis.
Links to audio clips of the Talking Statues near Liverpool Street Station
I recommend you use these links only if the app is not recognizing your location (for instance, due to lack of reception) or if the stickers are missing or covered.
Have fun!
(click on the name of the statue and press “go”)
Leaping Hare
The Broad Family
I Goat
And you have reached the end of this very short walk.
Did you enjoy this stroll around 4 Talking Statues near Liverpool Street Station? Do you have an appetite for more?
You can find a complete list of Talking Statues in London here.
Check out also my other walks around Talking Statues near St Paul's Cathedral and Hyde Park for more in-depth descriptions of these unique sculptures and hints on what they want to talk to you about!
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